The New Hampshire Employment Security Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau designated the field of respiratory therapy as a very favorable career option in its projections for 2012 to 2022. The Bureau considers the field to provide one of the best employment opportunities in the state during this time frame.
The Bureau projects the demand for New Hampshire’s respiratory therapists to increase 18.9% between 2012 and 2022. The Bureau expects sixteen jobs a year to become available in the state.
The average respiratory therapist salary in New Hampshire was $62,296 a year in 2013. Entry-level professionals made $51,022, while those with experience earned an average salary of $67,912. The median salary was $64,189.
The salaries of respiratory therapists throughout New Hampshire are shown below:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the nonmetropolitan area of western New Hampshire was the fourth top paying such area in the country. The average salary there was $66,750 in 2013.
According to New Hampshire’s labor market analysis, 480 respiratory therapists practiced in the state in 2012. 71.6% were employed in hospitals that year, while 4% worked for ambulatory care services.
The graduates of New Hampshire’s respiratory therapy training program have a good employment outlook. According to the Committee on the Accreditation for Respiratory Care, nearly 94% of the 2013 respiratory therapy graduates found jobs.
The BLS provides additional information on respiratory therapist salaries in New Hampshire’s major cities: